Here I am. Back again. Blogging. I got too tired of pressing the keys on my keyboard and so I decided to take a break. Anyways, I knew that it would end up like this after the initial spurt. Loosing steam early on is habitual. Whenever I take up something new, I promise myself that I would see it through but invariably something else takes up my fancy and I run after it and leave the one I was actually attending to in the first place midway. This has usually been the case with most fancy hobbies or pursuits that Ive tried getting into. But I must say that Ive always seen serious things through. Like for eg. a movie or a bottle of beer (grin). Actually movies were the thing that took my focus off blogging. You see, im into downloading DVD quality movies these days. Have built up quite a collection. But now that im getting bored with that too, Ive started to blog again hoping i would be able to somehow reinvigorate the sedate spirit of blogging that shrivelled up and died inside me and take this up atleast on a weekly basis, if not daily....even monthly would do just fine.......???