The main reason - I love writing and showing off my literary skills (presuming rather optimistically that I possess any in the first place), hence the blog. I also entertain the belief that constant blogging is bound to weed out the flaws in your writing skills and make a better writer out of U. As you can probably make out I am pretty rusty ! That is because the last time I wrote something creative was for the finals of my english exam in twelfth standard. These woefully wobbly, pathetic first steps into the world of blogging would hopefully become firm confident steps towards blogging perfection as I start to write my heart off on this little piece of private space that I have acquired on the world wide web. Thanks Blogspot.
P.S: I also hope that someone sees all this crap im writing down and gives me a job. One which would let me write even more and earn like 1000 bucks per page :). A work from home solution to my financial needs. Doesnt cost anything to dream does it ???