Vaastu Shastra, Superstitions and Swindling Preachers
My introduction was made today with a new science. The science of vaastusastra. An ancient Indian science which deals with construction of buildings, mostly dwellings. Supposedly, the design or layout by which a house is constructed affects its inhabitants in awesome unknown ways. If you don't get the vaastu right, you don't get anything else right. The good thing is that there are remedial measures which albeit costly can give you the much needed sense of satisfaction of having ironed fatal architectural flaws that were previously unknown but present in your house. Its all in the mind I would say. Some people go to the extent of demolishing whole sections of their house which were marked as tainted by Vaastu experts and reconstructing them at great cost. Our house has a bunch of irregularities it seems as per vaastu. For me such things have always evoked an interest. It is mysterious, this science, and has a lot of unexplained illogical practices associated with it. My interest in it is third person in nature. I am interested in knowing and understanding but not in practising such weird sciences and haven't been prey to dodgy guys who ruin your peace of mind by planting all sorts of weird vaastu anomalies and their wicked consequences in your head. Once it gets personal, knowing that U might be affected by the faulty vastu in the form of gory early snuffing out of your life or huge losses in business or chance of a fire, flood and umpteen number of calamities, scares the living daylights out of anyone. By Jove if one attaches so much importance to mundane things like the shape of a window or the colour of your wall or the length and breadth of your bedroom, life would become intolerable. We all live in the cozy world of ignorance. Let it be. At least you have your peace of mind.
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